★ 24 (June 10), ze/hirHe/him is OK
but not preferred...
, white, transT 2/3/20 +
top surgery 5/11/21
, ⚣ ★

★ Object Class: Euclid + Heathen Level: Unforgivable ★

I have a degree in biology; I have experience with wildlife rehab and I currently work with horses🐴

↑ These are my cats Ralf and Orca, my blue tongued skink Remy, my leopard gecko Kaia, and my gargoyle gecko Grim!!

(italicized = BIG interest)

★ GENERAL: zoology, paleology, coding, art, beanie babies + stuffed animals, my fursona, old web stuff, werewolves

★ MEDIA: Archie Comics, Beastars, Cardfight!! Vanguard, Deltora, Digimon, Doctor Who, FMA, Ginga, Guardians of Ga'hoole, Hunter x Hunter, iCarly, Life Is Strange, Mother/Earthbound, Pandora Hearts + VNC, Pokémon, SCP, Supernatural, Undertale/Deltarune, Yu-Gi-Oh, 911